
Hurford’s constraint, the semantics of disjunction, and the nature of alternatives
Natural Language Semantics — with Floris Roelofsen 
An inquisitive perspective on modals and quantifiers
Annual Review of Linguistics — with Floris Roelofsen
Implicatures of modified numerals: quantity or quality?
Proceedings of SuB — with Liz Coppock and Floris Roelofsen

Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals
Submitted for publication — with Linmin Zhang and Lucas Champollion

Questions and dependency in intuitionistic logic
Submitted for publication — with Rosalie Iemhoff and Fan Yang
Question meaning = resolution conditions
Submitted for publication
Bisimulation in inquisitive modal logic
Submitted to TARK — with Martin Otto
Questions in Logic
PhD dissertation, University of Amsterdam
Questions as Information Types
Composing Alternatives
Linguistics and Philosophy — with Floris Roelofsen and Nadine Theiler 
Lifting conditionals to inquisitive semantics
Proceedings of SALT 26
Breaking de Morgan’s law in counterfactual antecedents
Proceedings of SALT 26 — with Lucas Champollion and Linmin Zhang
Propositional inquisitive logic: a survey
Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic
Synthese — with Floris Roelofsen
On the semantics and logic of declaratives and interrogatives
Synthese — with Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen 
Alternatives in Montague Grammar
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung — with Floris Roelofsen
Modalities in the realm of questions: axiomatizing inquisitive epistemic logic
Proceedings of AiML2014
Interrogative dependencies and the constructive content of inquisitive proofs
Proceedings of WoLLIC2014
Information, issues, and attention
Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation. A festschrift for Ede Zimmermann. — with J. Groenendijk and F. Roelofsen
Inquisitive semantics: a new notion of meaning
Language and Linguistics Compass — with Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen
A logical account of free-choice imperatives
The dynamic, inquisitive, and visionary life of φ, ?φ, and ◊φA festschrift for Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof, and Frank Veltman. — with Maria Aloni
Towards a logic of information exchange: an inquisitive witness semantics
Selected papers from the 9th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation — with Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen
Inquisitive Logic
Journal of Philosophical Logic — with Floris Roelofsen  
A canonical model for presheaf semantics
Proceedings of Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL)
Inquisitive Semantics and Intermediate Logics
MSc thesis, University of Amsterdam.
Generalized inquisitive logic: completeness via intuitionistic Kripke models
Proceedings of TARK — with Floris Roelofsen 
Computing compliance
Proceedings of LoRI — with Irma Cornelisse, Jeroen Groenendijk, and Floris Roelofsen
Attention! Might in inquisitive semantics
Proceedings of SALT — with Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen
A first-order inquisitive semantics
Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium