Journal papers

On the expressive power of inquisitive epistemic logic
2024. The Journal of Symbolic Logic — with Martin Otto

Probabilities of conditionals: updating Adams (preprint)
2022. Noûs — with Adrian Ommundsen

Coherence in inquisitive first-order logic (preprint)
2022. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic — with Gianluca Grilletti

Restriction without quantification:
embedding and probability for indicative conditionals

2021. Ergo

The restrictor view, without covert modals
2021. Linguistics & Philosophy

Games and cardinalities in inquisitive first-order logic (preprint)
2021. Review of Symbolic Logic — with Gianluca Grilletti

Inquisitive bisimulation (preprint)
2021. Journal of Symbolic Logic — with Martin Otto

Indicative conditionals and graded information (preprint)
2020. Journal of Philosophical Logic

Questions and dependency in intuitionistic logic (preprint)
2020. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic — with R. Iemhoff and F. Yang

Intuitionistic conditional logics(preprint)
2020. Journal of Philosophical Logic — with Xinghan Liu

Questions as Information Types
2018. Synthese.

Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals
2018. Linguistics and Philosophy — with L. Zhang and L. Champollion.

An inquisitive perspective on modals and quantifiers
2018. Annual Review of Linguistics — with F. Roelofsen.

Question meaning = resolution conditions
2017. Logic and Logical Philosophy.

Hurford’s constraint, the semantics of disjunction,
and the nature of alternatives
2017. Natural Language Semantics — with F. Roelofsen.

Composing Alternatives
2016. Linguistics and Philosophy — with F. Roelofsen and N. Theiler.

Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic
2015. Synthese — with F. Roelofsen.

On the semantics and logic of declaratives and interrogatives
2015. Synthese — with Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen.

Inquisitive semantics: a new notion of meaning
2013. Language and Linguistics Compass — with J. Groenendijk and F. Roelofsen.

Inquisitive Logic
2011. Journal of Philosophical Logic — with F. Roelofsen.