Time and location
Class: Thursdays and Fridays 10:30-12:30.
Sala Stefanini, Palazzo del Capitanio
Peter Smith, An introduction to formal logic (pdf)
Program, exercises, and additional material
(will be updated as the course proceeds)
20 Oct. Course introduction; deductive validity; forms of inference.
Material: Chapters 1-3 of the book. Slides available on Moodle.
21 Oct. Proofs; logical validity; towards formal languages.
Material: Ch. 4 and 6, interlude on pp 59-60. Slides available on Moodle.
Exercises: Ex. 2(a) on page 19 and 3(a) on page 26 of the book.
Solutions available on Moodle.
27 Oct. Syntax of propositional logic. Structural induction.
Material: Chapters 8 and 9 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
28 Oct. Semantics of propositional logic.
Material: Chapter 10 from the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Second exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
03 Nov. Tautologies, contradictions. Tautological equivalence and entailment.
Material: Chapters 14-16 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
04 Nov. Expressive adequacy.
Material: Chapters 12-13 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Third exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
10 Nov. The material conditional.
Material: Chapters 18-19 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
11 Nov. The material biconditional. Explosion, falsum.
Material: Chapter 17 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Fourth exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
17 Nov. Natural deduction for propositional logic.
Material: Chapters 20 and 22 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
18 Nov. Natural deduction for propositional logic (continued).
Material: Chapter 21 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Fifth exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
24 Nov. Soundness and completeness for PL. Introducing predicate logic.
Material: Chapters 23-25 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
25 Nov. Syntax of predicate logic.
Material: Chapters 27-28 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Sixth exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
01 Dec. Regimenting sentences in predicate logic. Q-valuations.
Material: Chapters 29-30 of the book + interlude on pages 290-292.
Class notes available on Moodle.
02 Dec. Semantics of predicate logic.
Material: Chapter 35 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Seventh exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
15 Dec. Validity, equivalence and consistency in predicate logic.
Material: Chapter 36 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
16 Dec. Natural deduction for predicate logic: the universal quantifier.
Material: Chapters 31 and 32 up to 32.3 included. Lecture notes on Moodle.
Eight exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
10 Jan. Natural deduction rules for the existential quantifier.
Material: Remainder of Chapter 32, Chapter 33. Lecture notes on Moodle.
Ninth exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
12 Jan. Predicate logic with identity.
Material: Chapters 38 and 39 (optional: 40). Lecture notes available on Moodle.
13 Jan. Inference rules for identity. Meta-theory of predicate logic.
Material: Chapters 37 and 41. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
Tenth exercise sheet. Solutions available on Moodle.
19 Jan. Course summary and pointers to further topics.
Lecture notes available on Moodle.
20 Jan. Correction of the mock exam. Solutions available on Moodle.
27 Jan. Final exam. Aula Film, 9:00-11:00. Please be there 5 minutes in advance.