Time and location
Class: Thursdays and Fridays 16:30-18:30.
Aula Film, Palazzo del Capitanio
Moodle enrolment key
Peter Smith, An introduction to formal logic (pdf)
Final written exam. The exam will consist in a set of problems similar to those that we will discus together in class + some open questions.
Program, exercises, and additional material
(will be updated as the course proceeds)
05 Oct. Course introduction; deductive validity; forms of inference.
Material: Chapters 1-3 of the book. Slides available on Moodle.
06 Oct. Proofs; logical validity; towards formal languages.
Material: Ch. 4 and 6, interlude on pp 59-60. Slides available on Moodle.
Exercises: Ex. 2(a) on page 19 and 3(a) on page 26 of the book.
Solutions available on Moodle.
12 Oct. Syntax of propositional logic.
Material: Chapters 8 and 9 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
19 Oct. Semantics of propositional logic.
Material: Chapter 10 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 2. Model solutions available on Moodle.
20 Oct. Tautologies, contradictions. Tautological equivalence and entailment.
Material: Chapters 14-16 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
26 Oct. Truth-functional connectives. Expressive adequacy.
Material: Chapters 12-13 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 3. Model solutions available on Moodle.
27 Oct. The material conditional.
Material: Chapters 18 and 19 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
2 Nov. Explosion, falsum. Introduction to natural deduction.
Material: Chapter 17 of the book, interlude on p 172. Class notes on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 4. Example solutions available on Moodle.
3 Nov. Natural deduction for propositional logic.
Material: Chapters 20-23 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
9 Nov. Meta-theoretic results: soundness and completeness for PL.
Material: Chapter 24 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 5. Example solutions available on Moodle.
10 Nov. Introduction to predicate logic. Syntax of predicate logic.
Material: Chapters 25-29 of the book. Class notes available on Moodle.
16 Nov. Regimenting claims in predicate logic.
Material: Chapter 30 of the book. See solutions to Exercise sheet 5.
Exercise sheet 6. Example solutions available on Moodle.
17 Nov. Semantics of predicate logic.
Material: Chapter 35 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
23 Nov. Validity, equivalence, and consistency in predicate logic.
Material: Chapter 36 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 7. Solutions available on Moodle.
24 Nov. Natural deduction for predicate logic.
Material: Chapters 31-33 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
30 Nov. Predicate logic with identity.
Material: Chapters 38-39 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 8. Solutions available on Moodle.
01 Dec. Numerical quantifiers. Inference rules for identity.
Material: Chapter 41 of the book. Lecture notes available on Moodle.
07 Dec. Soundness and completeness for QL. Completeness proof for PL.
Material: Chapter 37 + Appendix (pp 402-411). Lecture notes on Moodle.
14 Dec. Practice on predicate logic with identity.
No new material assigned. Lecture notes on Moodle (=solutions to Ex sheet 8)
15 Dec. Conclusion: applications, extensions, and variations of basic logic.
Lecture notes available on Moodle.
Exercise sheet 9. Mock Exam. Solutions available on Moodle.
21 Dec. Final class. Discussion of the mock exam.